Wednesday, April 18, 2007

hells bells, looks like I'm getting Old™

I was having such a wonderful day Monday. My cellphone, dead, was prevented from crashing the lovely hours spent getting my toenails did, dining on the finest tacos Austin has to offer, and *even* getting a snow cone (I prefer raspberry w/ sangria flavoring) with my aunt and sister Lauren. Alas, it was only when we visited my grandmother at her nursing home (that she hates as only an independent Texan woman could) that I heard about the shootings at VA Tech. Why someone had to go memorialize my birthday with a mass murder, I shall never know. I would have been happy with balloons. I also discovered that I share my birth date with the new pope. I'd like to disclaim up front that while I have a deep fascination with the more mystical aspects of catholicism, I feel something less than reverence for the men that power through race, privalege, and obeissance lifts up and deifies. As such, I was particularly disappointed in the choice of Ratzinger for Pope. As my dear friend David has noted, Ratzi the Nazi looks a bit too much like the Emporer in Star Wars for my comfort and seems to exude none of the loving warmth that softened the affront of Pope John Paul II's more egregious opinions. (Like being anti-condoms in the face of AIDS) Perhaps, like me, Ratzinger's intellectual capacity keeps him from loving mankind as much as he might want, or should. But we were born and then bourne along by far disparate historical and temporal forces. I doubt we're much alike.
So now I'm all of a quarter of a century old. What a hoot! What next? They'll give me some title and a well paying job I'm sure. Either way I'll have to hang up the tap shoes and tutu of youth to don more sober garb. Hose an' shit. "Sensible" clothing. For the time being I'm not throwing no party, I'm not buying the beer, I'm just going to sit back and enjoy being myself and anyone who doesn't care to celebrate that with me can go rot.

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