Thursday, December 7, 2006

holy shit! the media is out to get us

Hello no one in particular,
I'm not terribly interested in who's reading this. I don't mind if I do... so to speak. Why Deciduous Fruit? Simply put, I'm a big fan of nectarines ( a deciduous fruit ) and since they're seasonably short, I feel an abstract affinity that I needs no further explanation to my close friends or for the private purposes served by my ramblings in this forum.
However, for posterity's sake I'd like to note that I've taken quite an interest in the political and social life in the women of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). While my compeling and well-researched opus on the subject was recieved with glassy-eyed indifference by my classmates this evening, I think I'll press ahead and pursue a future in feminist agitation just to spite hopes that I, American woman, might enrapture mayself in a drug-like cocoon of consumer oblivion.
